Atlas of neuroanatomy for communication science and disorders / edited by Leonard L. LaPointe ; based on the work of Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, Udo Schumacher ; illustrations by Markus Voll, Karl Wesker. - Second edition. - ix, 235 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction and brain basics -- General anatomical concepts -- Head, skull, neck anatomy -- Anatomy of the brain and nervous systems -- Cranial nerves -- Blood vessels, vascular system -- Functional and dysfunctional systems.

9781626238756 (softcover) 1626238758 (softcover)


Communicative disorders--Pathophysiology--Atlases.
Communication Disorders--physiopathology
Central Nervous System--anatomy & histology
Nervous System Physiological Phenomena


RC423 / .A86 2019


WL 17