Textbook of female urology and urogynecology. Volume 2: Surgical perspectives / Surgical perspectives edited by Linda Cardozo, David Staskin. - Fifth edition. - Boca Raton CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 2022

Replacement in part of Textbook of female urology and urogynecology / editors in chief, Linda Cardozo and David R. Staskin. Fourth edition. 2017. Complemented by Textbook of female urology and urogynecology. Clinical perspectives / edited by Linda Cardozo, David Staskin. Fifth edition. 2022.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"Featuring contributions by an international team of the world's experts in urology and urogynecology, this fifth edition reinforces its status as the classic comprehensive resource on female urology and urogynecology and an essential clinical reference in the field, with new chapters throughout. Volume 1 (- Clinical Perspectives) - available separately or as part of the set - - covers Background issues; Role of patient reported outcome measures and health economics; Structure and function of the lower urinary tract and anorectal tract in women; Diagnostic evaluation of incontinence and urogenital prolapse; Conservative and minimally invasive therapies; and Associated Disorders. Volume 2 (Surgical Perspectives) - available separately or as part of the set - covers Surgery for urinary incontinence; Surgery for urogenital prolapse; Laparoscopy and robotics; Complex problems; and Appendix on standardized terminology for incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction"--

9780367700164 9780367700171


Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Urogenital Abnormalities --surgery
Urogenital Surgical Procedures



WJ 146