Medicine Shoulder-Diseases-Diagnosis Shoulder-Wounds and injuries Shoulder Injuries-diagnosis Orthopedics Electronic books Remote;9783319573342;text;Includes bibliographical references and index.;Rationale of Diagnostic Clusters; Prologue: Making the Diagnosis; Acknowledgment; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Basic Ingredients; Chapter 1: Clinical History; How Old Is the Patient?; How Did the Symptoms Start?; Is the Shoulder the Source of the Discomfort?; What Exacerbates the Pain?; What Is the Location and Nature of Pain?; Does the Shoulder Feel Weak?; Does the Shoulder Feel Unstable?; Does the Shoulder Feel Stiff?; Red Flag Signs; Further Medical History; Individual Lifestyle Factors; Traumatic Instability/Capsulolabral Pathology; Atraumatic Instability; Subacromial Impingement.;Rotator Cuff TearAcromioclavicular Joint Disease; Frozen Shoulder; Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis; Internal Impingement; Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment; Conclusion; References; Chapter 2: The Conventional Examination; Introduction; Inspection (Look); Palpation; Range of Motion (Movement); Specific Tests; Subacromial Impingement; Neer's Sign; Hawkins-Kennedy test; Rotator Cuff Disease; Supraspinatus (Jobe's 'Empty Can' Test); Infraspinatus (External Rotation Lag Sign); Teres Minor; Subscapularis; Belly Press Test (Napoleon Sign); Bear-Hug Test; Gerber's Lift-Off Test.;Biceps Evaluation Yergason's Test; Speed Test; Superior Labral Anterior and Posterior Labral Detachment; Active Compression Tests (O'Brien Test); Glenohumeral Instability; Glenohumeral Translation (Load and Shift Test); Apprehension Test; Relocation Test; Posterior Instability; Inferior Instability; Scapulothoracic Muscles; References; Chapter 3: Special Tests; What are Special Tests?; How Many Special Tests Have Been Described?; Why Are the Tests Used?; What Is the Statistical Basis for the Special Tests?; What Is the Quality of the Literature on Special Tests?; Summary.;Clinical Uses of MRI Rotator Cuff Tears; Instability; Other Clinical Indications; CT; Indications for CT; Clinical Uses of CT; Fractures; Arthritis; Instability-CT Arthrogram; Rotator Cuff Disease; Other Bony and Soft Tissue Pathology; Nuclear Medicine; Conclusion; References; Part II: Shoulder Pain Clusters; Chapter 5: Subacromial Impingement Syndrome; Case Example; Introduction; Pillar 1: History; Pillar 2: The Conventional Examination; Pillar 3: Special Tests; Pillar 4: Imaging; Discussion of the Case; Summary; References; Chapter 6: Biceps Tendinopathy; Case Example.
text Rationale of Diagnostic Clusters; Prologue: Making the Diagnosis; Acknowledgment; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Basic Ingredients; Chapter 1: Clinical History; How Old Is the Patient?; How Did the Symptoms Start?; Is the Shoulder the Source of the Discomfort?; What Exacerbates the Pain?; What Is the Location and Nature of Pain?; Does the Shoulder Feel Weak?; Does the Shoulder Feel Unstable?; Does the Shoulder Feel Stiff?; Red Flag Signs; Further Medical History; Individual Lifestyle Factors; Traumatic Instability/Capsulolabral Pathology; Atraumatic Instability; Subacromial Impingement. Rotator Cuff TearAcromioclavicular Joint Disease; Frozen Shoulder; Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis; Internal Impingement; Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment; Conclusion; References; Chapter 2: The Conventional Examination; Introduction; Inspection (Look); Palpation; Range of Motion (Movement); Specific Tests; Subacromial Impingement; Neer's Sign; Hawkins-Kennedy test; Rotator Cuff Disease; Supraspinatus (Jobe's 'Empty Can' Test); Infraspinatus (External Rotation Lag Sign); Teres Minor; Subscapularis; Belly Press Test (Napoleon Sign); Bear-Hug Test; Gerber's Lift-Off Test. Biceps Evaluation Yergason's Test; Speed Test; Superior Labral Anterior and Posterior Labral Detachment; Active Compression Tests (O'Brien Test); Glenohumeral Instability; Glenohumeral Translation (Load and Shift Test); Apprehension Test; Relocation Test; Posterior Instability; Inferior Instability; Scapulothoracic Muscles; References; Chapter 3: Special Tests; What are Special Tests?; How Many Special Tests Have Been Described?; Why Are the Tests Used?; What Is the Statistical Basis for the Special Tests?; What Is the Quality of the Literature on Special Tests?; Summary. Clinical Uses of MRI Rotator Cuff Tears; Instability; Other Clinical Indications; CT; Indications for CT; Clinical Uses of CT; Fractures; Arthritis; Instability-CT Arthrogram; Rotator Cuff Disease; Other Bony and Soft Tissue Pathology; Nuclear Medicine; Conclusion; References; Part II: Shoulder Pain Clusters; Chapter 5: Subacromial Impingement Syndrome; Case Example; Introduction; Pillar 1: History; Pillar 2: The Conventional Examination; Pillar 3: Special Tests; Pillar 4: Imaging; Discussion of the Case; Summary; References; Chapter 6: Biceps Tendinopathy; Case Example.
Remote Includes bibliographical references and index.
3319573349 9783319573342
MEDICAL / Surgery / General Shoulder-Wounds and injuries Medical-Orthopedics Orthopaedics & fractures