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Your search returned 256 results.

Nurse teachers as researchers: a reflective approach by
Publication details: Sevenoaks : Hodder and Stoughton 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Bolton NHS Library (1)Class number: WY 20.5.
Cultural awareness in nursing and healthcare by
Edition: 2
Publication details: Sevenoaks : Hodder and Stoughton 2010
Availability: Items available for loan: Alder Hey Children's Hospital Library (1)Class number: WY87 HOL. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Chorley Library (1)Class number: WY 107. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Preston Library (1)Class number: WY 107. Liverpool Women’s NHS Library (1)Class number: WY87 HOL.
French's index of differential diagnosis by
Edition: 15
Publication details: Sevenoaks : Hodder and Stoughton 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Bolton NHS Library (1)Class number: WB 141.5 FRE. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Preston Library (1)Class number: WB 141. Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Library - Royal Liverpool (1)Class number: WB 141.5 KIN. Mid Cheshire NHS Library (2)Class number: 616.075 FRE, ... University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay - Furness NHS Library (1)Class number: 616.075 KIN. University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay - Lancaster NHS Library (1)Class number: 616.075 KIN.
100 cases in general practice by
Publication details: Sevenoaks : Hodder and Stoughton 2009
Availability: Items available for loan: Bolton NHS Library (1)Class number: W 18.2. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Chorley Library (3)Class number: WA 18.2, ... Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Preston Library (5)Class number: WA 18.2, ...
Pathology for surgeons in training : an A-Z revision text by
Edition: 3
Publication details: Sevenoaks : Hodder and Stoughton 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: Bolton NHS Library (1)Class number: QZ 18.2 GAR. Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Library - Southport and Ormskirk (1)Class number: WO 142 GAR.
Developing practical nursing skills by
Edition: 2
Publication details: Sevenoaks : Hodder and Stoughton 2005
Availability: Items available for loan: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Library (1)Class number: WY 18. Stockport NHS Library (1)Class number: 610.73 BAI. Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh - Wigan NHS Library (1)Class number: 610.73 DEV.
The doctor will see you now by
Publication details: London : Hodder and Stoughton 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Chorley Library (1)Class number: FACT 610. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Preston Library (1)Class number: FACT 610. University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay - Lancaster NHS Library (1)Class number: 920 PEM.
A closed and common orbit by
Publication details: London : Hodder and Stoughton 2017
Availability: Items available for loan: Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Preston Library (1)Class number: FICTION SCI-FI.
Get some headspace by
Publication details: London : Hodder & Stoughton 2011 (2012 printing)
Availability: Items available for loan: Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Preston Library (1)Class number: WELL-BEING 158.