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ITIL service design.

Hunnebeck, Lou Rudd, Colin Lacy, Shirley Hanna, Ashley Lloyd, Vernon

ITIL service design. - 2nd ed. - London : TSO, 2011

Computer industry-Customer services-Management Electronic office machine industry-Customer services-Management Service design 2nd ed. / [Lou Hunnebeck, author ; Colin Rudd, mentor ; Shirley Lacy, project mentor ; Ashley Hanna, technical continuity editor]. ""Best Management Practice."" ""2011 ed."" New ed. of: Service design / Vernon Lloyd, Colin Rudd, 2007. "9780113313051 (pbk.);Service design;2nd ed. / [Lou Hunnebeck, author ; Colin Rudd, mentor ; Shirley Lacy, project mentor ; Ashley Hanna, technical continuity editor].;""Best Management Practice."";""2011 ed."";New ed. of: Service design / Vernon Lloyd, Colin Rudd, 2007.;Includes bibliographical references and index."

Includes bibliographical references and index."


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